
Christmas Wonderland

Noël Merveilleux 2024

The little boutique reopens its doors with new Christmas brooches! 

But do you know the story behind these brooches?

They're chic, and to say the least, knock-knock! They're American brooches. Originally in the shape of a Christmas tree, they glitter with fake stones of all colors, just as bewitching as the real thing. These curious, glittering brooches are sometimes more sought-after than real jewels.

They appeared in the first decades of the 20th century, when glass and rhinestones replaced diamonds. This was the period when classic jewelry was supplanted by fantasy.

Christmas Trees were considered lucky charms. It's customary to wear them from the first Sunday of Advent to the end of the holiday season.

Here's my selection of Christmas brooches, Christmas trees and other traditional symbols.

Enough to give in to temptation!


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Lady's Companion - Noël 2024

Artikel-Nr.: LadyNoel2024

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